How Do You Know God is Real?

By Pastor Mark McAdow
Last night, some brave souls ventured out on mostly dry roads, but bitterly cold temperatures and came back to Church! You are my favorite people! It was such a blessing to share a meal and time together in ALPHA, Youth and Roots to Wings once again. I’ve shared how it is so hard for me to cancel spiritual growth opportunities due to inclement weather, but sometimes we must for safety’s sake. I am really looking forward to seeing each of you this Sunday! (Thanks to Tom and Diane for sharing last Sundays’ donuts with local fire stations and The Commons Staff too!). It sounds like it will be a “Sunny Sunday” with warm temperatures! Praise the Lord!
Last night at ALPHA, Nicky Gumble gave an illustration about God that was helpful. We discussed it in our small group following his talk. He was answering the question about how can we know God is real if we can’t see Him? I like to say, “Jesus put a face on God.” We can know God the Father by taking a good look at Jesus His Son. That’s what are current series on The Parables of Jesus are all about! No one doubts Jesus’ existence because he divided world history into B.C. and A.D. But what about God? Many people today don’t believe in God. It takes faith. Hebrews 11:6 says, “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him, must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”
How can you believe in Someone you can’t see? Consider the wind. Can you see the wind? No. Do you believe in the wind? As Oklahomans on the Plains, we certainly do! Everyone does- Christians and non-Christians alike! Why? We can’t see the wind, but we can see what it does! We can also feel the wind on our face. It is real. WE can know God is real because we can see what He does in our world and in our lives through answered prayer and modern-day miracles. We can feel His Presences in Worship, prayer, healthy relationships, loving service, His love letter to us (The Bible), and promptings in our mind and spirit from The Holy Spirit! God is real and God is good!
It's been a wonderful week at Willow View! We’ve experienced the birth of Nelliana Fee to Ruben and Ashton on Monday and the spiritual birth of one of our own- Millie Turnbow in my office yesterday! We’ve also suffered the loss of Jerry Clark this week, whose life we will celebrate this Monday morning at 10:00AM in our sanctuary. Please keep his wife Janice in your prayers.
I can’t wait to be together again this Sunday! Blessings-
Yours in Christ’s Love,
Pastor Mark
Please be watching for a personal letter from me this next week too!

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