The Wait is Over

By Pastor Mark McAdow
Our “new” Willow View Pictorial Directories have arrived! As I mentioned last Sunday, I had no idea it took nine months not only to produce a child but also a photo directory. Last November seems like a long time ago, but the good news is that for all who had your picture taken, you look nine months younger. Even a delayed picture is better than the best memory.

Good things come to those who wait. “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord” - Psalm 27:14. Be sure to tell Emily Moody “Thanks!” for all her tireless efforts to get this done. You can pick up your copy this Sunday in the Welcome Center with your name on it or if you are a newer member, we have some additional copies available in the church office for you.

I hope our new directory will help you connect names and faces with the great people the Lord is sending our way. Everyone’s contact information is included in the back of the directory, even if you didn’t have your picture done. We are blessed to be growing in our 9 a.m. traditional service and beginning to grow again at 11 a.m., too. God is good!

Yesterday, we introduced our brand-new study, “Fully Devoted” at 9 a.m. in the parlor and last evening at 6 p.m. in the sanctuary. About 40 folks were present with room for several more, including you. You can purchase a study guide in the church office today or tomorrow and this Sunday morning, too. The discounted price is $15 for one or $25 per couple.

The new eight-week study is written by the Kendrick Brothers who produced such great Christian films as Fireproof, Courageous, War Room, Overcomer and now The Forge. Priscilla Shirer and the brothers begin each session with a 15-18 minute video. We will discuss their ideas and share them together in a small group. The last day to get onboard is this Sunday, Sept. 15, so don’t delay if you want to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus Christ. Priscilla Shirer asked an engaging question last night, “What is Jesus asking you to walk away from to walk with Him?” We must each make a decision to seek after Him, which will always involve a cost.

Are you ready to become “Fully Devoted?” I trust several of you are. This life in Christ is an adventure when we go “All in” with Jesus. After all, He went “All in” for each of us years ago on a cross outside Jerusalem.

Yours in Christ’s love,
Pastor Mark

This Sunday, Sept. 15, is our combined worship service at 10 a.m. with our Indoor/outdoor Willow View Church picnic to follow. We will provide fried chicken and drinks. You can bring a side dish or dessert to share. I’m bringing my famous homemade vanilla ice cream at Evelyn’s request/demand. Can’t wait to see you here.

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