March 14th, 2024
by Pastor Mark McAdow
by Pastor Mark McAdow
By Pastor Mark McAdow
What have you been talking about this week? With whom? Last Sunday, I challenged us to initiate spiritual conversations simply by praying first and applying S.A.L.T! Do you recall what SALT stands for? First, Start a conversation. Second, Ask questions? Jesus loved to do just that! Third, Listen to people’s responses - really listen -i t’s truly is an act of love everyone longs for! Fourth, Tell your story! How the Lord has answered a prayer or how you met Him in the first place or something Jesus is teaching you now! It’s not hard and it is fun! I Peter 3:15 tells us, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect …”
Let me suggest a few simple questions to have “in your back pocket” to ask people: Do you have a church home? What are your Easter plans? How are you doing ... really? You may be surprised by the responses you get! I was this week as I met some new people and discovered they knew two active members of our church, who work with them at Hanor and Koch. I asked a neighbor about his Easter plans, and he said they’d get together with their In-laws here in Enid and then he asked me, “Are you going to have any good Easter Services? I said, “I sure hope so!” He said he doesn’t go to church much, but they may just show up! Very cool. This is a great time to invite folks to worship with us at Willow View! We’re easier to find now with our new burgundy background sign out front! Have you noticed it yet?
As we prepare for Holy Week, you’ll be receiving a postcard of all our special Worship Services and activities. We’ll have a few extra postcards here you can give to people as well! Also I invite you to Journey with Jesus and us to Easter by reading one chapter from the Gospel of Mark every day till Easter. If you begin this Saturday March 16- you can read the entire short gospel by Easter! What better way to prepare our hearts for worship than daily reading and reflecting on His Word! I had a friend last night at our Wednesday Night Prayer meeting say our 50 Day Challenge helped her to get “back on track” of reading and thinking about God’s Word every day! What a blessing. We’re being transformed!
Looking forward to worshipping with you this Sunday. We’ll have a special guest with us as well: Ben West, our missionary to Peru and China!
Yours in Christ’s love,
Pastor Mark
Begin our Journey with Jesus by reading Mark 1 this Saturday and one chapter every day till Easter! Also be sure to sign up for a 30 min prayer slot for Holy Saturday, March 30, in the foyer this Sunday. Thanks to Sharla and Reba for setting up this special prayer experience.
P.S. You might want to wear green this Sunday.
What have you been talking about this week? With whom? Last Sunday, I challenged us to initiate spiritual conversations simply by praying first and applying S.A.L.T! Do you recall what SALT stands for? First, Start a conversation. Second, Ask questions? Jesus loved to do just that! Third, Listen to people’s responses - really listen -i t’s truly is an act of love everyone longs for! Fourth, Tell your story! How the Lord has answered a prayer or how you met Him in the first place or something Jesus is teaching you now! It’s not hard and it is fun! I Peter 3:15 tells us, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect …”
Let me suggest a few simple questions to have “in your back pocket” to ask people: Do you have a church home? What are your Easter plans? How are you doing ... really? You may be surprised by the responses you get! I was this week as I met some new people and discovered they knew two active members of our church, who work with them at Hanor and Koch. I asked a neighbor about his Easter plans, and he said they’d get together with their In-laws here in Enid and then he asked me, “Are you going to have any good Easter Services? I said, “I sure hope so!” He said he doesn’t go to church much, but they may just show up! Very cool. This is a great time to invite folks to worship with us at Willow View! We’re easier to find now with our new burgundy background sign out front! Have you noticed it yet?
As we prepare for Holy Week, you’ll be receiving a postcard of all our special Worship Services and activities. We’ll have a few extra postcards here you can give to people as well! Also I invite you to Journey with Jesus and us to Easter by reading one chapter from the Gospel of Mark every day till Easter. If you begin this Saturday March 16- you can read the entire short gospel by Easter! What better way to prepare our hearts for worship than daily reading and reflecting on His Word! I had a friend last night at our Wednesday Night Prayer meeting say our 50 Day Challenge helped her to get “back on track” of reading and thinking about God’s Word every day! What a blessing. We’re being transformed!
Looking forward to worshipping with you this Sunday. We’ll have a special guest with us as well: Ben West, our missionary to Peru and China!
Yours in Christ’s love,
Pastor Mark
Begin our Journey with Jesus by reading Mark 1 this Saturday and one chapter every day till Easter! Also be sure to sign up for a 30 min prayer slot for Holy Saturday, March 30, in the foyer this Sunday. Thanks to Sharla and Reba for setting up this special prayer experience.
P.S. You might want to wear green this Sunday.
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