Fully Devoted

By Pastor Mark McAdow
What does the phrase, “fully devoted” evoke in you? Does it speak of true loyalty? Complete surrender? Heartfelt commitment? It does to me. I love the phrase but even more the commitment behind the phrase.

Remember the call of Jesus to his followers? “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?” – Mark 8:34-36.

Jesus was calling people to himself, holding nothing back. He was advocating for unwavering loyalty, complete surrender and heartfelt commitment. I like to say, “Love is commitment.” Jesus was asking for undying love from his followers. In a phrase, a commitment to be “fully devoted” to Him and nothing else in this life. It was and is a radical call to a life of adventure and danger promising eternal joy! It’s a cry to be “all in!”

Are you “fully devoted” to Jesus? Do you live this life every day thinking of Jesus, talking with Him throughout your day, looking for opportunities to love and bless others and share about the difference Jesus is making in your life? Honestly, very few are fully devoted but we all can be! It’s a choice. Are you ready for a new adventure with Jesus?

This next Wednesday evening, Sept. 11, we will introduce our fall Bible study series for adults at Willow View. It is aptly titled, “Fully Devoted.” This brand-new series was written by Alex and Stephen Kendrick, the famous Kendrick Brothers who produced the excellent Christian films War Room, Overcomer and The Forge, which premiered two weeks ago. Priscilla Shirer also gives a weekly introduction to the study, which is led by Alex and Stephen Kendrick. We’ll gather for eight weeks from 6 to 7:15 p.m.

 We’ll meet in the sanctuary at 6 p.m. this week to worship, pray, distribute study guides, and watch a short video introducing our first week’s topic, “Come to me.” The study guides are offered at a discount cost of $15 or $25 for a couple.

I have prayed for his decision for several weeks. I have felt some resistance in my spirit from the Enemy, so I am even more convinced this is what we are to pursue this fall. The Holy Spirit has been confirming it to me in the Word, too. I know the notice is short, but I pray you will jump onboard this week. When Jesus calls, He expects a response. I want to be fully devoted to Him; don’t you? As we’re discovering in Colossians, Jesus is enough!

Love to you all!
Pastor Mark

PS – Robin plans to lead a group beginning this Wednesday morning, Sept. 11, at 9 a.m. in the parlor!

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