Life is in The Blood

By Pastor Mark McAdow
It says this in the Old Testament book of Leviticus 17:11, “For the life of the creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.” The life is in the blood. Jesus gave His life blood for each of us. His precious blood provided the ransom for each of our sins. Hebrews 9:22 reminds us “without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.” Thank the Lord He shed His blood for each of us!

As a young boy, I used to go with my Dad to our local American Red Cross Blood Donor Center in Tulsa.  He would donate a pint of blood, while I sat at a table and was given chips and cookies by the nice lady volunteers. In that day, we also got pimento cheese finger sandwiches on white bread. That was the life! Dad did all the “work,” and I got all the benefits. He visited the snack table when he was done, too. It runs in the family.

When I was 18, I started donating blood. When my Dad died, he had donated nearly 17 gallons of blood!  He began donating when he was in the Navy during the Korean Conflict. Currently I have given over 20 gallons and Robin just hit her 10-gallon mark (that’s 80 lifetime donations). Way to go, Honey! My daughter Lauren is an active blood donor in Stillwater as well. I guess you could say, “It’s in our blood!”

A week from this Sunday, on Oct. 6, we have a special opportunity to donate blood with our local OBI on site at Willow View Church. Two of our own, Enid OBI Director Jessy Dershem and Marketing Director Brandi Atkinson, are leading the cause. I have requested this blood drive to be in honor of our own Joyce Fales. Joyce is taking chemo treatments and receives blood as needed. She received two pints earlier this week. If we donate in her name, blood will be provided for her at low to no cost. It's just another way for us to support her in her treatments, along with our continued prayers and other assistance. It only takes about an hour, and they still give snacks and a free t-shirt as well!

Are you able to donate blood in Joyce’s name? If so, please sign up this Sunday and be prepared to give the following Sunday, Oct. 6. I pray we can have a strong show of support for Joyce and all those who will benefit from our donations. Every pint of blood has the potential to save three lives. Jesus’ blood can save every life! The life is in the blood. Our eternal life is in Jesus’ blood.

In Christ’s love,
Pastor Mark
Our next Willow View Welcome luncheon for those considering membership and our newest members is just two weeks away: Sunday, Oct. 13, at 12:15 p.m. Call Emily in the church office at (580) 234-4899 to RSVP. We’d love to have you and yours join us.

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