January 23rd, 2025
by WV Webmaster
by WV Webmaster
By Pastor Mark McAdow
You’ve seen it advertised in the Enid News & Eagle and heard me share about it the last two Sundays, too. ALPHA is here! We kicked it off last night with over 50 adults and 20+ youth, with another dozen adults registered who were unable to come due to sickness or schedule.
Alpha means “beginning,” the first letter of the Greek alphabet, and we got off to a great beginning with delicious homemade lasagna, salad and sweet desserts. We also had 30 kids involved in our Roots to Wings kids program, too. Praise the Lord!
What’s Alpha? It’s a brand-new professional film series featuring biblical teaching by Nicky Gumble form London and interviews with folks around the world on the meaning of life and Christian theology. It’s a “judgment free” zone where you can ask questions of faith, as we seek answers from God’s Word together. Sound fun? Fun and laughter is a part of Alpha too – I get to tell a few jokes each week!
If intrigued, you can still join us beginning this Wednesday, Jan. 29, at 5:30 p.m. for dinner, video teaching and a hearty discussion. Please sign up this Sunday or call Emily in the church office at 580.234.4899 to reserve your spot. I love it that we get to eat together to begin our time – something we don’t get to do enough of because of our church size. Meals are provided by “donations only.”
We discovered last night that we all have a hole inside of each of us that can only be filled by Jesus Christ. Most people are “desperately empty and lonely” apart from Him. Do you know someone like that? We all do. How can we offer the help they need in Christ? One way is Alpha and devoted prayer on their behalf.
This answers “What’s new at Willow View?” More ministry, outreach and “home improvements” to come! “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11
Looking forward to seeing you this Sunday!
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Mark
PS - To get to know each other, we each created a positive adjective name last night, to match the first letter of our first names in our table groups. I chose “Mischievous Mark!” What’s yours?
You’ve seen it advertised in the Enid News & Eagle and heard me share about it the last two Sundays, too. ALPHA is here! We kicked it off last night with over 50 adults and 20+ youth, with another dozen adults registered who were unable to come due to sickness or schedule.
Alpha means “beginning,” the first letter of the Greek alphabet, and we got off to a great beginning with delicious homemade lasagna, salad and sweet desserts. We also had 30 kids involved in our Roots to Wings kids program, too. Praise the Lord!
What’s Alpha? It’s a brand-new professional film series featuring biblical teaching by Nicky Gumble form London and interviews with folks around the world on the meaning of life and Christian theology. It’s a “judgment free” zone where you can ask questions of faith, as we seek answers from God’s Word together. Sound fun? Fun and laughter is a part of Alpha too – I get to tell a few jokes each week!
If intrigued, you can still join us beginning this Wednesday, Jan. 29, at 5:30 p.m. for dinner, video teaching and a hearty discussion. Please sign up this Sunday or call Emily in the church office at 580.234.4899 to reserve your spot. I love it that we get to eat together to begin our time – something we don’t get to do enough of because of our church size. Meals are provided by “donations only.”
We discovered last night that we all have a hole inside of each of us that can only be filled by Jesus Christ. Most people are “desperately empty and lonely” apart from Him. Do you know someone like that? We all do. How can we offer the help they need in Christ? One way is Alpha and devoted prayer on their behalf.
This answers “What’s new at Willow View?” More ministry, outreach and “home improvements” to come! “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11
Looking forward to seeing you this Sunday!
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Mark
PS - To get to know each other, we each created a positive adjective name last night, to match the first letter of our first names in our table groups. I chose “Mischievous Mark!” What’s yours?
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