March 30th, 2023
by WV Webmaster
by WV Webmaster
By Pastor Mark McAdow
This Sunday begins Holy Week 2023! This Sunday is Palm Sunday and the time we remember Christ’s triumphal entrance into Jerusalem for Passover. He came as a humble king riding on a donkey, not as the conquering hero the Jews had been expecting. There was excitement in the air though, because the people’s Messiah had arrived to great fanfare and expectation. Palm branches were cut and cloaks thrown down before him to “pave the way" for his grand entrance.
There’s excitement in the air around here, too! Last Sunday we had our highest regular Sunday attendance all year and we welcomed 11 new members into our Willow View family. Praise the Lord!
This Sunday we’ll celebrate with singing and “children of all ages” waving palm branches in our worship services. Our Willow View choir, directed by Jessica Cummins, will present the “Amazing Grace” musical of Jesus’ passion week and we’ll celebrate Holy Communion together. Between services at 10:10 a.m., fun and mayhem will break out as our children enjoy their annual Easter egg hunt out back.
On Thursday, April 6, we’ll host our Maundy Thursday free soup luncheon, devotional and Holy Communion using traditional matza crackers. This lunch is provided by our Congregational Care Committee and will conclude about 12:45, so working folks can get back to work on time. Come late and leave early if you must! This is a special luncheon. My brief devo will focus on the fifth last words of Christ: “I thirst.” Come be blessed and invite a friend to join you.
On Friday we will remember Jesus’s death on the cross for each of us in a time of reflection with traditional hymns and a special Good Friday drama directed by Quintin Wray. The service begins at 7 p.m. and will conclude in silence with Holy Communion. (Men, you can join us that morning at 7 a.m. for First Friday Men’s Breakfast at Wee Too.)
Saturday morning, we invite you to come to Willow View and pray during our Holy Saturday prayer vigil in a 30 minute time slot from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. You can sign up on the large poster by the fireplace this Sunday. Come spend time with the Lord, reading His Word, listening and praying or experiencing a new prayer opportunity in the parlor at a prayer station. This quiet time may be the highlight of your Easter weekend. “Be still and know that I am God.” – Psalms 46:10.
On Sunday morning, April 9, we’ll host a brief Sunrise Service outside at 7 a.m. with breakfast to follow immediately inside our Family Life Center. Two special Easter Day worship services will be at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m., with Sunday school/Adult Discipleship Communities meetings at 10 a.m. Check out our new banner on the corner of Oakwood and Purdue. Plan to join us for several of these special services and pray about who you can bring with you. Jesus is worth it. He died and lives again!
Yours in Christ’s love,
Pastor Mark
This Sunday begins Holy Week 2023! This Sunday is Palm Sunday and the time we remember Christ’s triumphal entrance into Jerusalem for Passover. He came as a humble king riding on a donkey, not as the conquering hero the Jews had been expecting. There was excitement in the air though, because the people’s Messiah had arrived to great fanfare and expectation. Palm branches were cut and cloaks thrown down before him to “pave the way" for his grand entrance.
There’s excitement in the air around here, too! Last Sunday we had our highest regular Sunday attendance all year and we welcomed 11 new members into our Willow View family. Praise the Lord!
This Sunday we’ll celebrate with singing and “children of all ages” waving palm branches in our worship services. Our Willow View choir, directed by Jessica Cummins, will present the “Amazing Grace” musical of Jesus’ passion week and we’ll celebrate Holy Communion together. Between services at 10:10 a.m., fun and mayhem will break out as our children enjoy their annual Easter egg hunt out back.
On Thursday, April 6, we’ll host our Maundy Thursday free soup luncheon, devotional and Holy Communion using traditional matza crackers. This lunch is provided by our Congregational Care Committee and will conclude about 12:45, so working folks can get back to work on time. Come late and leave early if you must! This is a special luncheon. My brief devo will focus on the fifth last words of Christ: “I thirst.” Come be blessed and invite a friend to join you.
On Friday we will remember Jesus’s death on the cross for each of us in a time of reflection with traditional hymns and a special Good Friday drama directed by Quintin Wray. The service begins at 7 p.m. and will conclude in silence with Holy Communion. (Men, you can join us that morning at 7 a.m. for First Friday Men’s Breakfast at Wee Too.)
Saturday morning, we invite you to come to Willow View and pray during our Holy Saturday prayer vigil in a 30 minute time slot from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. You can sign up on the large poster by the fireplace this Sunday. Come spend time with the Lord, reading His Word, listening and praying or experiencing a new prayer opportunity in the parlor at a prayer station. This quiet time may be the highlight of your Easter weekend. “Be still and know that I am God.” – Psalms 46:10.
On Sunday morning, April 9, we’ll host a brief Sunrise Service outside at 7 a.m. with breakfast to follow immediately inside our Family Life Center. Two special Easter Day worship services will be at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m., with Sunday school/Adult Discipleship Communities meetings at 10 a.m. Check out our new banner on the corner of Oakwood and Purdue. Plan to join us for several of these special services and pray about who you can bring with you. Jesus is worth it. He died and lives again!
Yours in Christ’s love,
Pastor Mark
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