July 27th, 2023
by WV Webmaster
by WV Webmaster
By Pastor Mark McAdow
Last Sunday I finished a quick overview of Paul’s letter to Titus and the new believers on the island of Crete. As you have seen in the news this week, several Greek islands are on fire right now with daily evacuations!
I asked who the greatest sinner in Enid was and began listing the major churches in Enid, asking who the greatest sinner in each one. What an odd question! I went on to say, “We are!” Why? Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Those who recognize and admit their sin are blessed. Why? Only “habitual sinners” can be forgiven. Only those who know they are sinners can be forgiven.
We are all habitual sinners whether we admit it or not. We all need Jesus to forgive us and save us from a life of sin and ultimate spiritual death. Paul writes to Titus to remind us who we once were. “At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another.” That is the bad news about us. He goes on, “But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.” Thank God for His mercy! Remember what mercy means? “Not getting what we deserve” – the anger and wrath of God – but instead receiving His mercy and grace.
Last night at our prayer gathering, we celebrated Holy Communion. It is the means of grace that allows us to confess our sin and be forgiven because of the blood sacrifice of Jesus. It felt so good to spend time at the altar last evening. I was made aware this week of some anger in my heart. I do not perceive myself as an angry person, but a couple of events occurred this week that uncovered some anger I did not realize I had. It was humbling to see how close to the surface it was, likely triggered in part from some hurt from the past. No one likes to feel misrepresented or be mistreated. We have little to no control over that, but we can choose our response. I am reminded that Jesus chose to be silent when falsely accused by others. I try my best to do that as well outwardly, but inwardly the battle still rages on.
I am so glad I have a very patient Savior who loves me with an everlasting love and has provided a way for all of us be forgiven, so we in turn can forgive others. God is so very good. Once we lived “B.C.” – Before Christ; now we live “A.D.” – in the year of our Lord every day. May we as the Willow View family continue to seek Christ and His perfect will every day.
Yours in His love,
Pastor Mark
Last Sunday I finished a quick overview of Paul’s letter to Titus and the new believers on the island of Crete. As you have seen in the news this week, several Greek islands are on fire right now with daily evacuations!
I asked who the greatest sinner in Enid was and began listing the major churches in Enid, asking who the greatest sinner in each one. What an odd question! I went on to say, “We are!” Why? Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Those who recognize and admit their sin are blessed. Why? Only “habitual sinners” can be forgiven. Only those who know they are sinners can be forgiven.
We are all habitual sinners whether we admit it or not. We all need Jesus to forgive us and save us from a life of sin and ultimate spiritual death. Paul writes to Titus to remind us who we once were. “At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another.” That is the bad news about us. He goes on, “But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.” Thank God for His mercy! Remember what mercy means? “Not getting what we deserve” – the anger and wrath of God – but instead receiving His mercy and grace.
Last night at our prayer gathering, we celebrated Holy Communion. It is the means of grace that allows us to confess our sin and be forgiven because of the blood sacrifice of Jesus. It felt so good to spend time at the altar last evening. I was made aware this week of some anger in my heart. I do not perceive myself as an angry person, but a couple of events occurred this week that uncovered some anger I did not realize I had. It was humbling to see how close to the surface it was, likely triggered in part from some hurt from the past. No one likes to feel misrepresented or be mistreated. We have little to no control over that, but we can choose our response. I am reminded that Jesus chose to be silent when falsely accused by others. I try my best to do that as well outwardly, but inwardly the battle still rages on.
I am so glad I have a very patient Savior who loves me with an everlasting love and has provided a way for all of us be forgiven, so we in turn can forgive others. God is so very good. Once we lived “B.C.” – Before Christ; now we live “A.D.” – in the year of our Lord every day. May we as the Willow View family continue to seek Christ and His perfect will every day.
Yours in His love,
Pastor Mark
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