Connect with a community
While Sunday worship is uplifting and fulfilling, smaller group experiences are the key to connecting with others and growing in faith. A great starting point is attending one of the six adult Discipleship Communities on Sunday mornings. They meet at 10 a.m. during the "Sunday School" hour between worship services.
Other opportunities for discipleship include a Tuesday morning women's Bible study and Wednesday evening Bible and topical studies.
Other opportunities for discipleship include a Tuesday morning women's Bible study and Wednesday evening Bible and topical studies.

Discipleship Communities
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
Adult Discipleship Communities meet during the “Sunday School” hour between worship services and give adults a chance to connect and share with a smaller group. The different discipleship communities offer various styles for learning and sharing, and all are open to new people. Some are leader-driven studies. Others feature a video message followed by group discussion. Just select one and drop in!

This young-adult class is geared toward reaching couples in their 30s and 40s. They use a variety of curriculum that often deals with family/couples interests.

Truth Seekers
This discussion-oriented class focuses primarily on contemporary studies by popular Christian authors. The class is a middle-aged class with participants ranging in their mid-40s to their late 60s.

Community In Christ
This class is a group of active adults who look to topical studies and robust group discussion for guidance as they work through the challenges of daily life. Studies have a theme – a Biblical character, book of the Bible, or faith practice – with a video lesson followed by discussion. This class focuses on life application of God’s Word .

A larger class typically focusing on the mixture of faith and culture. This mature class is perfect for those with a desire to discuss various topics in a probing manner. With rotating leadership, Crusaders Class studies a book of the Bible or faith topic in more detail.

The Forge
The Forge, the newest discipleship community, includes couples and singles primarily between college age and midlife. This class uses cutting-edge curriculum designed to speak to the unique needs of this age group.

Class 110
The newest Discipleship Community. Named after Colossians 1:10, this adult class seeks to live out the words: "live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way, bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God."

Tuesday Morning Women's Study
The Women's Study that meets on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. is a connecting point for women of all ages.