Forty-Six Seconds

By Pastor Mark McAdow
If you were in worship this last Sunday – which most of you were – I gave a gift to each of you! It was the gift of time; 46 seconds to be exact. Time to “Be still and know that I am God” according to Psalm 46:10. For some of you that may have seemed like an eternity; to others it was much too short of a time to focus on Jesus- smiling at you. Your mind was probably thinking about a lot of other things in those few moments.  I find it usually takes several days away for me to begin to feel relaxed. I was refreshed last weekend by the opportunity to spend a day and a half away just being “still.” I’m convinced we don’t do that enough. In our crazy busy world, it truly is a gift!

I spent time resting, reading God’s Word for pleasure, praying, and reading a small book by Bill Bright called “First Love.” But I began my time by reading in my journal over this past year, seeing answers to prayer and God’s continuing faithfulness. A year ago, Robin quit her job as beloved Chaplain at Golden Oaks and left to spend several weeks with her older sister Linda who was dying of a brain tumor. She died on Sept 17, 2023. Shortley after that, we both were engaged in disposing of her earthly assets, selling her car, home and beginning the California Probate process through her attorney. It still is not yet completed.

Last September, Willow View Church joined the Global Methodist Church movement, and our daughter Lauren announced her engagement to Mr. Pete Craver who she married on June 13, 2024. Robin suffered a detached retina in February and in the last six months has endured three separate eye surgeries on her left eye. We’re still praying for her complete recovery.  We also celebrated our 40th Wedding Anniversary with a trip to Alaska minus my luggage! It’s been a blessed, busy, and tiring year to say the least!

Do you remember the offer of the Lord Jesus Christ? “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” – Matthew 11:28-30.

I’m convinced we all need to heed Jesus’ words and “Come and rest”- not just from activity but to rest in Jesus. That’s where true “soul rest” is found. Jesus can reach deep into your spirit and give you, His peace. Forty-six seconds was just a tease! I challenge each of you to take 30 minutes out this week to just get alone with Jesus and share your hopes and dreams with Him and take time to listen to His voice. You may be surprised at what He says. It may even sound a little like the Toy Story theme song, “You’ve got a Friend in me!”

Your pastor and friend in Jesus,

PS – Thanks for your faithfulness! We had our largest Sunday attendance since Easter last week. So glad you were here! I’m beginning a new series on the book of Colossians this Sunday. Come get in on the ground floor and invite a friend!

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