Pray and Vote

By Pastor Mark McAdow
We’re three weeks away from an incredibly significant presidential election. Many people across the nation are already engaged in early voting. One of our great privileges and responsibilities as Christians it to allow our voices to be heard at the voting box. As true Christian believers, we represent a Christian worldview that is in direct opposition to this present worldview. We must know, pray, and vote our biblical principles.

I recently read that between 30 and 40 million American Christians did not vote in the last presidential election. I had several friends among that number. Their reasoning? They did not like either of the candidates. In fact, 57% of Americans who didn’t vote, said that is why they did not vote. Though understandable, it’s foolish. We can only vote for the candidates presented. If we as Christian do not vote, we’re allowing others to vote for us–-many who do not share our values. We must vote to honor our Lord and His principles.

I implore you to look at the records and policies of former President Donald Trump and our current Vice President Kamala Harris. Don’t simply listen to what they are saying currently but look over the last several years. What do they truly stand for? What have their actions declared regarding real life topics for Americans: clean energy, abortion, our economy, support for Israel, national defense, illegal immigration, religious freedoms, taxes, etc. What does God’s Word say about these topics? “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God” (Romans 13:1). God created government to protect and bless us.

I was reminded of a great Scripture this morning, as a I met with some men of our church for prayer. It was from the account of the prophet Samuel’s task, of selecting God’s choice for the new King of Israel. He was at the home of Jesse in Bethlehem, reviewing all his sons as candidates. After evaluating seven sons, Samuel asked if there were any others. He was told “Yes” there’s one more, but he’s tending sheep. He called for him, David, and anointed him as the next king of Israel. Here’s the verse: “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (I Samuel 16:7). I’m concerned too many people may be voting these days on outward appearance-gender, age, personality vs. the candidate’s true intent. Let’s listen to God’s Word and vote for the person who best represents His heart, as found in His Word.

Regardless of your political party, do not sit this election out. I read an article by Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, in Decision magazine in which he wrote, “While it’s true that we can’t save the country with a single election, the reality is: we could very well lose it.” How absolutely true. As devoted Christians, let’s pray and vote!

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Mark

Willow View Church is a polling place. If you’re willing to be a door greeter on Tuesday, Nov. 5, please call the church office at 580.234.4899. I’d love for every person who comes that day to be greeted in a friendly way!

PS – Sometimes I vote primarily for the vice presidential candidates. Bless you!

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