January 25th, 2024
by Pastor Mark McAdow
by Pastor Mark McAdow
By Pastor Mark McAdow
That’s the title of my current message series, as we engage in our 50-Day Challenge to Be Transformed as individuals and as our Willow View family. We want to get healthy together! The seven-week focus began last week with an emphasis on our Spiritual health; this week we’re focused on Physical health! We’re being encouraged to set one goal in our life in the seven different areas of healthy living. Some of the goals suggested for our Spiritual life include: Daily Quiet time - reading a selected scripture, meditating on it, and responding to three simple questions: What did you hear? What do you think? What will you do? and then close with a heartfelt prayer. Our Transformed journal makes it easy! (We bought ten more books last week if you want to join us. We also have five free copies of The Purpose Driven Life donated by a member available too!)
What would be another good Spiritual goal for the New Year? Read through the Bible? (free yellow plans are available in the Welcome Center), praying for one person to come to Christ this year? Faithful church attendance every Sunday? Be a part of a small group or Discipleship Community? Serve in a ministry area? I encourage you to select one of these or seek the Lord for what He wants you to do to “Be Transformed” this year!
Last evening, we were reminded what it takes to be physically healthy: eat better foods, eat less, get good rest, exercise regularly and reduce stress! (I shared all about that last Sunday looking at Psalm 23). We know what to do but we often don’t follow through. We need motivation and we need each other! Pastor Rick Warren shared this key Bible verse as the source of our motivation to get healthy. “Do you not know that your body is a temple of The Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your body.”- I Corinthians 6:19-20.
Do you believe it? Your body is the temple of The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit lives in each born-again believer. We don’t want Him to have to live in a tired, worn-out body! He deserves much better. After all, The Father created us and created us with a purpose to live a vibrant life for Him and to share His love with others! We all can benefit from better health! We will be selecting a goal in this area this week. I’ve been trying something new this month. At the suggestion of my Dr., I’m fasting 12 hours a day (mostly at night) from about 6:00PM to 6:00AM the next day. I’m also limiting my Coke habit (Coca- Cola!). I know both must be a help! I hope you will choose one new goal in caring for your physical body too! Blessings!
Yours in Christ for a healthier you and us,
Pastor Mark
P.S.: We have our district worship event in South OKC this Sunday afternoon! We’ll be taking our bus to travel there together leaving at 1 p.m. Chris Walker will be our driver. Let Emily in the church office know if you would like to ride with us. I believe we have seven more seats available.
That’s the title of my current message series, as we engage in our 50-Day Challenge to Be Transformed as individuals and as our Willow View family. We want to get healthy together! The seven-week focus began last week with an emphasis on our Spiritual health; this week we’re focused on Physical health! We’re being encouraged to set one goal in our life in the seven different areas of healthy living. Some of the goals suggested for our Spiritual life include: Daily Quiet time - reading a selected scripture, meditating on it, and responding to three simple questions: What did you hear? What do you think? What will you do? and then close with a heartfelt prayer. Our Transformed journal makes it easy! (We bought ten more books last week if you want to join us. We also have five free copies of The Purpose Driven Life donated by a member available too!)
What would be another good Spiritual goal for the New Year? Read through the Bible? (free yellow plans are available in the Welcome Center), praying for one person to come to Christ this year? Faithful church attendance every Sunday? Be a part of a small group or Discipleship Community? Serve in a ministry area? I encourage you to select one of these or seek the Lord for what He wants you to do to “Be Transformed” this year!
Last evening, we were reminded what it takes to be physically healthy: eat better foods, eat less, get good rest, exercise regularly and reduce stress! (I shared all about that last Sunday looking at Psalm 23). We know what to do but we often don’t follow through. We need motivation and we need each other! Pastor Rick Warren shared this key Bible verse as the source of our motivation to get healthy. “Do you not know that your body is a temple of The Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your body.”- I Corinthians 6:19-20.
Do you believe it? Your body is the temple of The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit lives in each born-again believer. We don’t want Him to have to live in a tired, worn-out body! He deserves much better. After all, The Father created us and created us with a purpose to live a vibrant life for Him and to share His love with others! We all can benefit from better health! We will be selecting a goal in this area this week. I’ve been trying something new this month. At the suggestion of my Dr., I’m fasting 12 hours a day (mostly at night) from about 6:00PM to 6:00AM the next day. I’m also limiting my Coke habit (Coca- Cola!). I know both must be a help! I hope you will choose one new goal in caring for your physical body too! Blessings!
Yours in Christ for a healthier you and us,
Pastor Mark
P.S.: We have our district worship event in South OKC this Sunday afternoon! We’ll be taking our bus to travel there together leaving at 1 p.m. Chris Walker will be our driver. Let Emily in the church office know if you would like to ride with us. I believe we have seven more seats available.
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