December 5th, 2024
by Pastor Mark McAdow
by Pastor Mark McAdow
By Pastor Mark McAdow
For the last several years, we as the Willow View Church family have invested a day ringing bells for the Salvation Army. As unpaid volunteers, this is an immense help to them and produces even more money for their multiple caring ministries.
Today, Thursday, Dec. 5, is our day! Our location? Jumbo’s on Willow. I hope you’ll come by and say “hi” and donate to support the work of the Salvation Army right here in Enid. It’s great to work together as Christians for the cause of Christ. (If you’re a bell ringer, be sure to show up at your designated time. We’re blessed with a very pleasant but chilly December day.)
We’ll be greeting people with “Merry Christmas!” as we ring. Do you know the history of that phrase? I’ve learned a little more about it. When we think of “merry,” we think of “happy” and sometimes people use the two interchangeably. But originally, “Merry Christmas” was a greeting sent to Thomas Cromwell, the chief minister of King Henry Vlll, by Bishop John Fisher who was on “death row” because he had refused to recognize the king as the supreme head of the Church of England. It was the greeting of a condemned man.
It did take on a more positive tone because of the Christmas carol, “God Rest you Merry Gentlemen” which began to be sung in churches throughout the world and offered the first reference to "Merry Christmas" in a song. In the day, merry meant “great and mighty.” Now I have a better understanding of Robin Hood and his “merry men” – I had just thought they were “happy thieves!” They were strong and courageous men. Christmas is a time to celebrate the strength and courage of Jesus, too. I now have a fresh understanding of an old familiar phrase. Now you do, too. Happy Advent and Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Yours in Christ’s love,
Pastor Mark
Thanks to all of you who have turned in your commitment cards for 2025. If you haven’t yet, please do so soon. I begin writing thank you notes next week. Thanks for your faithfulness.
Thank you and our Willow View youth especially for cheering me on at last Sunday night’s Christ Tree dedication. I felt loved.
For the last several years, we as the Willow View Church family have invested a day ringing bells for the Salvation Army. As unpaid volunteers, this is an immense help to them and produces even more money for their multiple caring ministries.
Today, Thursday, Dec. 5, is our day! Our location? Jumbo’s on Willow. I hope you’ll come by and say “hi” and donate to support the work of the Salvation Army right here in Enid. It’s great to work together as Christians for the cause of Christ. (If you’re a bell ringer, be sure to show up at your designated time. We’re blessed with a very pleasant but chilly December day.)
We’ll be greeting people with “Merry Christmas!” as we ring. Do you know the history of that phrase? I’ve learned a little more about it. When we think of “merry,” we think of “happy” and sometimes people use the two interchangeably. But originally, “Merry Christmas” was a greeting sent to Thomas Cromwell, the chief minister of King Henry Vlll, by Bishop John Fisher who was on “death row” because he had refused to recognize the king as the supreme head of the Church of England. It was the greeting of a condemned man.
It did take on a more positive tone because of the Christmas carol, “God Rest you Merry Gentlemen” which began to be sung in churches throughout the world and offered the first reference to "Merry Christmas" in a song. In the day, merry meant “great and mighty.” Now I have a better understanding of Robin Hood and his “merry men” – I had just thought they were “happy thieves!” They were strong and courageous men. Christmas is a time to celebrate the strength and courage of Jesus, too. I now have a fresh understanding of an old familiar phrase. Now you do, too. Happy Advent and Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Yours in Christ’s love,
Pastor Mark
Thanks to all of you who have turned in your commitment cards for 2025. If you haven’t yet, please do so soon. I begin writing thank you notes next week. Thanks for your faithfulness.
Thank you and our Willow View youth especially for cheering me on at last Sunday night’s Christ Tree dedication. I felt loved.
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