Encourage One Another

By Pastor Mark McAdow
During these dreary cold days of winter, we all could use some extra encouragement. The Scripture tells us in I Thessalonians 5:11. to “encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you’re doing.” It’s a call to put “love in action” by reaching out to someone who could use a spiritual boost. I’ve discovered sometimes reaching out to someone else will also help me, too.

I had a recent visit with a great member of our Willow View family who shared with me she had missed the entire Advent season in worship. I had recognized she had been gone – pastors do miss you when you’re not here – but I had understood her work schedule was keeping her out of worship on Sundays. She told me her schedule had changed, and she wasn’t in worship because she had been feeling “down.”

I felt awful when I heard that. Why hadn’t I called to check on her rather than assuming I knew why she was gone? I hope her Discipleship Community had checked in on her, but I didn’t ask. She was hurting and I didn’t know it. How many others are experiencing the same thing? God only knows.

I offered a few suggestions to boost her spirit by listening to worship music, getting regular “heart healthy” exercise, reading in The Psalms, reaching out to someone else with a call or a note, and getting back to worship! Remember, Hebrews 10:24-25 reminds us all, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another- all the more as you see the day approaching.”

We need each other! That’s why we’re called the Body of Christ. Each member is important to our Heavenly Father and to all of us.

It's been nice to see some new folks coming to Willow View in the New Year, but we do miss you when you’re gone whether you are traveling, participating in sport events, coping with an illness of maybe just a little “down.” We want to be here for you.

Looking forward to worshipping with you this Sunday.

Pastor Mark

PS – I received a wonderful text this morning from a former Willow View member who moved out of state several years ago and wanted to share an answer to prayer: “I just want to thank you for the opportunity to participate in the Experiencing God (Bible Study). It really did have an impact on me and my journey and will continue to do so.” Praise God!

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