October 24th, 2024
by Pastor Mark McAdow
by Pastor Mark McAdow
By Pastor Mark McAdow
This Sunday, Oct. 27, is a very special Sunday at Willow View.
Sunday morning, we will be hearing from three of our members who will be sharing their personal stories of God’s unique work in each of their lives. I’ve heard their stories and wanted you to hear them, too. You will be encouraged and blessed. Please pray for those who will be sharing. Did you know some people think it’s “scary” to speak in public? Bless them with courage, Lord.
This Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m. we will be hosting our annual Charge Conference with our Presiding Elder, Rev. Lisa Beavers, present with us for the first time. What is a presiding elder you might ask? Basically, a pastor who serves a local Global Methodist Church and gives supervision and support to several other GMC churches in a district. It is an unpaid position.
We’re one of the larger membership churches in the OKC District – obviously we’re at the northern end of the district. Lisa serves in Duncan, Okla., at New Beginnings Global Methodist Church. I’ve known Lisa for several years in Methodist ministry. She is a wonderful person and leader. She will lead our Charge Conference and you will have an opportunity to meet her in person and ask any questions you might have about the Global Methodist Church.
If you are a new member at Willow View, you may wonder what a Charge Conference is all about. It’s an annual gathering where all members and friends are invited to hear pastors’ reports, vote on a working budget for the new year, approve the senior pastor’s compensation, receive and offer nominations for leadership in the new year, approve candidates for ministry and lay servants, too. Every official member of Willow View has the opportunity to comment and vote on these action items. It sounds like a lot but moves very quickly. We will also have a “meet and greet” reception following the meeting.
As you know, this next Thursday, Oct. 31, is our Fall Festival outreach event. We anticipate hundreds of children will come to Willow View to have a fun and safe alternative to Halloween. We want to welcome all with the love of Jesus Christ. Please come and volunteer to work an hour hosting a simple carnival game. Sign up with Kitty King or Jessica Walker. We’ll have lots of candy, cookies and pop to share along with gospel tracts to point them to Jesus!.
Looking forward to seeing you this Sunday and next Thursday, too!
Yours in Christ’s love,
Pastor Mark
Thanks to Scott and our Willow View staff for taking good care of you while Robin and I were in New York for her significant high school reunion. We’re glad to be home – with all of our luggage!
This Sunday, Oct. 27, is a very special Sunday at Willow View.
Sunday morning, we will be hearing from three of our members who will be sharing their personal stories of God’s unique work in each of their lives. I’ve heard their stories and wanted you to hear them, too. You will be encouraged and blessed. Please pray for those who will be sharing. Did you know some people think it’s “scary” to speak in public? Bless them with courage, Lord.
This Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m. we will be hosting our annual Charge Conference with our Presiding Elder, Rev. Lisa Beavers, present with us for the first time. What is a presiding elder you might ask? Basically, a pastor who serves a local Global Methodist Church and gives supervision and support to several other GMC churches in a district. It is an unpaid position.
We’re one of the larger membership churches in the OKC District – obviously we’re at the northern end of the district. Lisa serves in Duncan, Okla., at New Beginnings Global Methodist Church. I’ve known Lisa for several years in Methodist ministry. She is a wonderful person and leader. She will lead our Charge Conference and you will have an opportunity to meet her in person and ask any questions you might have about the Global Methodist Church.
If you are a new member at Willow View, you may wonder what a Charge Conference is all about. It’s an annual gathering where all members and friends are invited to hear pastors’ reports, vote on a working budget for the new year, approve the senior pastor’s compensation, receive and offer nominations for leadership in the new year, approve candidates for ministry and lay servants, too. Every official member of Willow View has the opportunity to comment and vote on these action items. It sounds like a lot but moves very quickly. We will also have a “meet and greet” reception following the meeting.
As you know, this next Thursday, Oct. 31, is our Fall Festival outreach event. We anticipate hundreds of children will come to Willow View to have a fun and safe alternative to Halloween. We want to welcome all with the love of Jesus Christ. Please come and volunteer to work an hour hosting a simple carnival game. Sign up with Kitty King or Jessica Walker. We’ll have lots of candy, cookies and pop to share along with gospel tracts to point them to Jesus!.
Looking forward to seeing you this Sunday and next Thursday, too!
Yours in Christ’s love,
Pastor Mark
Thanks to Scott and our Willow View staff for taking good care of you while Robin and I were in New York for her significant high school reunion. We’re glad to be home – with all of our luggage!
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