Father of the Bride

By Pastor Mark McAdow
Have you ever been the father of the bride? I have and I will be again in less than 30 days. Oh my!

Our family loves the Father of the Bride movie with Steve Martin. There’s a scene when his daughter returns from studying abroad and tells her family at their dinner table, “I think I’m in love!”  As her father looks at her, he sees in his mind his little girl at the table saying in her small child voice, “I’m getting married!”  I have felt that emotion several times. Our Lauren Grace is getting married to Mr. Pete Craver on June 13 – just three days before Robin and I celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary.

It must be wedding season. I officiated at Mat and Britney Rowley’s wedding two weeks ago, and I’ll have the “best seat” in the house at Leonardo’s Adventureland for John Merz and Lynn Ballard’s wedding this Saturday afternoon. Weddings are wonderful and stressful – and quite pricey, I might add! What ever happened to church weddings and receptions with wedding cake and punch and maybe some mixed nuts and mints on the side? I must be getting old!

Do you know we’re all invited to an upcoming wedding? We are! It’s the wedding supper of the Lamb! “Then the angel said to me, ‘Write:  Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!’  And he added, ‘These are the true words of God.’”  - Rev.19:9. Who is invited? All those whose names are written in the Book of Life. Not only are we invited, we’re in the wedding!  We have a special and unique role. We are the bride! “For the wedding of the Lamb has come and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given to her to wear. (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints.)” - Rev. 19:7b. Jesus is looking for a pure bride.

Have you ever been a bride? I haven’t, but we all will be one day if we’ve surrendered our life to Jesus – the Lamb of God. He’s the groom and we’re his bride. In most weddings, the primary focus is on the bride but not in this case. The focus is primarily on the groom and the price He has paid to redeem his bride. “We love because he first loved us.” -I John. Who is the father of the bride? God Almighty! Don’t forget Him! He paid quite a price, too!

Join us this Sunday as we continue our focus on another bride, Queen Esther. Take a moment to read Chapters 4-5. This week is her defining moment! I think she discovered her life mission.  Have you?

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Mark

Be sure to stay and eat spaghetti to support our youth this Sunday or take a box dinner to go! Donations defray their summer camp costs. You may want to wear red!

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