Happy Valentine's Eve

By Pastor Mark McAdow
"Happy Valentine’s Eve!" Have you ever heard that before? I’m not sure I’ve ever said it or written it.  But, for the men in our world, it’s a great reminder.  Do not neglect your sweetheart on Valentine’s Day! Big mistake!

There’s still time to buy or make a card and to buy a flower or some dark chocolates (Robin’s favorite!). But if you do mess up, the good news is I’m preaching about forgiveness this Sunday in the Parables of Jesus Series.  Hopefully, she will take it to heart and practice forgiving you – again!

Do you know the history of Valentine’s Day? Several different legends surround St. Valentine, but here’s one I found recently:
Valentine was a pagan priest who lived during the Roman persecution against Christians. Though he wasn’t a Christian himself, he was repulsed by the Roman tortures and began secretly to protect believers. Helping Christians was a serious crime, and Valentine landed in a dull, dark prison. His time there would have been fairly short, except while there he became a Christian. The result: Valentine was sentenced to death.

During his last days, Valentine often thought of his family and friends. Since they were forbidden to visit, they developed a unique way of sending messages to each other. Valentine would squeeze his arm through bars in his window to reach the violets that grew outside. Each day, after picking a heart-shaped leaf, he would carefully pierce it with a message like “Remember your Valentine.” He would then send it to his loved ones by way of homing pigeons supplied by his family. Toward the end of his life, the message changed to a simple, daily “I love you.”

When he refused to renounce his Christian faith and turn his back on the Lord he had grown to love, Valentine was clubbed to death in his cell on February 14, 269 AD.
St. Valentine loved the Lord enough to give his life for the Christian faith. We know where true love originates – it comes from God Himself. “God is love” according to I John 4:16. I had the following verse inscribed in Robin’s wedding band: “We love because He first loved us.”- I John 4:19. It’s true! As I shared with the students in our Confirmation Class last Sunday afternoon, “God don’t make no junk!” "He loves each of us with an everlasting love”- Jeremiah 31:3. God’s love for each of us is without condition, eternal and constant. His love does not waver based on our performance. He loves you and me. Period.

Do you feel loved today? I hope so. But even if you don’t, remember love is not just a feeling or emotion. My favorite definition is this, “Love is commitment.” God is committed to you, so you are loved. Another great saint, Saint Augustine, said, “God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.” That’s love. Agape love. God’s amazing love. Live loved today!

Yours in Christ’s love,
Pastor Mark

I can’t wait to see you this Valentine’s weekend. We have a special gift just for you ladies.

PS: My good friend Dr. Darrell Cates with yhe Methodist Foundation will be with us this Sunday afternoon at 2:00 to discuss wills and trusts. The Scout motto is “Be Prepared!” This is a wonderful opportunity to ask questions and learn more.

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