The Most Important Investment

By Pastor Mark McAdow
Are you an investor? You may be saying, “I wish I was!”  Who has anything to invest these days with inflation through the roof? It’s enough to pay my bills and try to save something.

That is absolutely true, but we’re all investors.  We invest in the things that matter most to us, whether it’s investing our energy, money or time. As Robin and I (and Bill Shaw, too) were preparing to leave for Joplin to attend the Heartland Annual Conference of the Global Methodist Church, we sat down individually to have some devotional time with the Lord. As I did, I knew I didn’t have a lot of time today because I had a few things to finish at church before we could get on the road – including writing this blog!

As I opened a favorite devotional, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, which some good friends gave us over a decade ago, I read these words,” Time with Me cannot be rushed. When you are in a hurry, your mind flitters back and forth between Me and the tasks ahead of you. Push back the demands pressing in on you; create a safe space around you, a haven in which you can rest with Me.”

Oops! Talk about the Lord speaking directly to me this morning. The author goes on to say, “Spending time with Me is a wise investment.” It really is. The Lord already knows what this day holds – we do not. As we quiet our minds and spirit before His presence, we will be led in the right direction and experience His peace, no matter how busy our day may be. It’s not a luxury to spend time with Jesus, it’s a necessity!

Are you making wise investments these days? Did you this morning? Spending quiet, prayerful, time with the Lord in His Word is the BEST investment you can make every day. Jesus did. “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left his house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.” (Mark 1:35). If Jesus needed a daily quiet time, we must too. Bless you as you spend time enjoying our Lord Jesus and listening for His voice.

I hope to see you this Sunday as we discover how the Lord saved the Jewish people in Esther’s day and will do it again. He has never unchosen” His "chosen people" and has grafted us in, too.

Yours in Christ’s love,
Pastor Mark

Be sure to order our new Willow View T-shirt this Sunday. All proceeds go to missions. Our Mission Team leaves this Sunday afternoon to serve a family in northeast Oklahoma. We appreciate your prayers for us as we travel today and for our team on Sunday. Blessings!

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