January 26th, 2023
by WV Webmaster
by WV Webmaster
By Pastor Mark McAdow
Every year The president offers his State of the Union Address. It’s an opportunity to celebrate the past and anticipate the future! We’re currently in our annual stewardship emphasis here at Willow View with the theme “Thanking God for the Past, Trusting God for the Future.” That’s what we intend to do!
This Sunday we will host our first ever Willow View Church Congregational Meeting with reports from staff members, the pastor’s “State of the Church” report, and plans for our future together. The format is similar to our former annual Charge Conference and will be led by our current Administrative Council Chairman Jeff Funk. Bill Shaw is our incoming chairman. The meeting will be in the sanctuary at 2 p.m. All members, regular attenders and other interested parties are welcome to come. We will affirm our new 2023 leaders, committee members and our 2023 budget. On Sunday, Feb. 5, we will present our stewardship commitment cards for 2023 on the altar.
Our future is bright as we trust in Christ and Christ alone! It’s been so encouraging to gather for prayer on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 and hear reports of the Lord at work in our lives! Some of you may be aware that The Oklahoma Annual Conference has “paused” the disaffiliation process for several United Methodist churches including First Church OKC and St. Luke’s UMC citing Paragraph 212 in the Book of Discipline. I’m so very thankful for our Willow View leadership that saw “the handwriting on the wall’ and moved forward toward disaffiliation in a timely fashion. The Lord has honored our decisiveness. We’re in a growth mode once again and are excited about new ministry direction and opportunities this year. Thanks for your faithful support with your prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.
We’re also blessed to introduce our new director of music ministries at Willow View, Jessica Cummins. Some of you will remember Jessica served us well for nine years previously, in multiple capacities, and is eager to lead our Willow View choir again. She and her husband, Rob, were introduced in first service last Sunday.
Looking forward to seeing you this Sunday morning for worship and Sunday afternoon for our State of The Church gathering.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Mark
PS: Bonnie Johnson’s memorial service will be this Saturday, Jan. 28, at the Anderson-Burris Chapel. Please keep her son, Fred, and family in your prayers.
Every year The president offers his State of the Union Address. It’s an opportunity to celebrate the past and anticipate the future! We’re currently in our annual stewardship emphasis here at Willow View with the theme “Thanking God for the Past, Trusting God for the Future.” That’s what we intend to do!
This Sunday we will host our first ever Willow View Church Congregational Meeting with reports from staff members, the pastor’s “State of the Church” report, and plans for our future together. The format is similar to our former annual Charge Conference and will be led by our current Administrative Council Chairman Jeff Funk. Bill Shaw is our incoming chairman. The meeting will be in the sanctuary at 2 p.m. All members, regular attenders and other interested parties are welcome to come. We will affirm our new 2023 leaders, committee members and our 2023 budget. On Sunday, Feb. 5, we will present our stewardship commitment cards for 2023 on the altar.
Our future is bright as we trust in Christ and Christ alone! It’s been so encouraging to gather for prayer on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 and hear reports of the Lord at work in our lives! Some of you may be aware that The Oklahoma Annual Conference has “paused” the disaffiliation process for several United Methodist churches including First Church OKC and St. Luke’s UMC citing Paragraph 212 in the Book of Discipline. I’m so very thankful for our Willow View leadership that saw “the handwriting on the wall’ and moved forward toward disaffiliation in a timely fashion. The Lord has honored our decisiveness. We’re in a growth mode once again and are excited about new ministry direction and opportunities this year. Thanks for your faithful support with your prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.
We’re also blessed to introduce our new director of music ministries at Willow View, Jessica Cummins. Some of you will remember Jessica served us well for nine years previously, in multiple capacities, and is eager to lead our Willow View choir again. She and her husband, Rob, were introduced in first service last Sunday.
Looking forward to seeing you this Sunday morning for worship and Sunday afternoon for our State of The Church gathering.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Mark
PS: Bonnie Johnson’s memorial service will be this Saturday, Jan. 28, at the Anderson-Burris Chapel. Please keep her son, Fred, and family in your prayers.
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