May 10th, 2024
by Pastor Mark McAdow
by Pastor Mark McAdow
By Pastor Mark McAdow
Last Thursday I invited you to join us downtown for the National Day of Prayer service. It was sponsored by the Enid Ministerial Alliance. It was a well-planned prayer event with several key community leaders leading prayers following a time of worship by First Baptist Church. It was a beautiful day and a great event.
Were you there? Were you praying specifically for America last Thursday? I was pleased to see, I believe, nine of us from Willow View out of a group of 50 people. Fifty Christian people in a community of 50,000+ interceding for America. I had mentioned to a group of my fellow pastors a few weeks before, if all our churches had just 10 people present, we would have 150+ folks. Willow View did our part, though at a minimal level. Most other churches did less.
Where are the pray-ers? Where are the Christians who believe in prayer? At work? We held it 30 minutes over the lunch hour. Where are the Christian patriots who love America? I’m concerned about America, are you? Do you believe America will always be the way it is today? Don’t be naïve. There are people and demonic forces undermining the America many of us have known and loved. If Christians don’t engage against the worldview of this present society, we will become more a part of it every day. Remember Paul’s word to Roman Christians in Romans 12:2: “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Are we conforming to the pattern of this world? What is it? Denying the God-given differences between male and female? No longer supporting God’s established plan for marriage – one man and one woman. Supporting Hamas terrorists while denying the right of Israel to protect itself from aggression? Promoting lies over God’s Truth in our nation and even some religious denominations. “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served created things rather than the Creator, who is forever to be praised” – Romans 1:25. Celebrating sin and chaos instead of God’s created order.
I began a series last Sunday on the book of Esther “For Such a Time as This.” We need strong women and men again who will lead our nation back to Almighty God even as Esther did in her day. I asked the question last week, “What is my life mission?” Do you have one? Do you know what it is? If not, ask the Lord. You were born on purpose for His purpose. You may be the one for “such a time as this.” Nothing is impossible with God!
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Mark
We’ll be celebrating the women of Willow View this Sunday, and especially our moms, with a special gift and recognition in worship. We thank God for our moms! See you this Sunday.
Last Thursday I invited you to join us downtown for the National Day of Prayer service. It was sponsored by the Enid Ministerial Alliance. It was a well-planned prayer event with several key community leaders leading prayers following a time of worship by First Baptist Church. It was a beautiful day and a great event.
Were you there? Were you praying specifically for America last Thursday? I was pleased to see, I believe, nine of us from Willow View out of a group of 50 people. Fifty Christian people in a community of 50,000+ interceding for America. I had mentioned to a group of my fellow pastors a few weeks before, if all our churches had just 10 people present, we would have 150+ folks. Willow View did our part, though at a minimal level. Most other churches did less.
Where are the pray-ers? Where are the Christians who believe in prayer? At work? We held it 30 minutes over the lunch hour. Where are the Christian patriots who love America? I’m concerned about America, are you? Do you believe America will always be the way it is today? Don’t be naïve. There are people and demonic forces undermining the America many of us have known and loved. If Christians don’t engage against the worldview of this present society, we will become more a part of it every day. Remember Paul’s word to Roman Christians in Romans 12:2: “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Are we conforming to the pattern of this world? What is it? Denying the God-given differences between male and female? No longer supporting God’s established plan for marriage – one man and one woman. Supporting Hamas terrorists while denying the right of Israel to protect itself from aggression? Promoting lies over God’s Truth in our nation and even some religious denominations. “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served created things rather than the Creator, who is forever to be praised” – Romans 1:25. Celebrating sin and chaos instead of God’s created order.
I began a series last Sunday on the book of Esther “For Such a Time as This.” We need strong women and men again who will lead our nation back to Almighty God even as Esther did in her day. I asked the question last week, “What is my life mission?” Do you have one? Do you know what it is? If not, ask the Lord. You were born on purpose for His purpose. You may be the one for “such a time as this.” Nothing is impossible with God!
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Mark
We’ll be celebrating the women of Willow View this Sunday, and especially our moms, with a special gift and recognition in worship. We thank God for our moms! See you this Sunday.
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