Happy Anniversary

By Pastor Mark McAdow
On this date, August 29, 2022, Willow View Church made a big commitment. We committed to follow God’s Word regardless of the cost and voted to disaffiliate from our beloved denomination, The United Methodist Church, over theological integrity and leadership issues. Since that time over 8,000 other churches have left the UMC. I recorded a note in my journal that day that we had disaffiliated by a vote of 74% of our voting members. (The General Conference had required a 67% majority.)

It was a bittersweet day. Voting unfortunately produces perceived “winners and losers” rather than majority consensus. Though we asked no one to leave, most of the 26% voting “no” left that day and have not returned. Some participate in other churches; others do not. It saddens my heart, and I know it must sadden the heart of God to see how some of His children have rejected each other and continue to do so. I feel incredibly sad for them.

In the Body of Christ, we will not agree on all issues, but we must hold true to God’s Word. It is the only standard to live by. It is The Word of God! There is no other book like it. It, like Jesus, is “the same yesterday, today and forever”- Hebrews 13:8. Our call is to “speak the truth in love.” I have been blessed lately to run into some former members who have greeted me warmly (it is August!) as I try to do as well. I sense a measure of healing and acceptance by several, as it should be. If we have the same Father, then we are brothers and sisters in Christ. Forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts the Lord has given us.

This Sunday we will celebrate Holy Communion together – on our knees, either physically and/or spiritually. As we confess and repent of our sins, Jesus promises to forgive each of us. He speaks the truth to us in love. He is The Truth! Truth is a rare commodity in this presidential election cycle for both parties. I am glad I know The Truth – he’s a person, Jesus Christ.

Have a safe and happy Labor Day holiday. Remember, Sunday is a holy day and Monday is the holiday. We’ll be looking to Jesus this Sunday in Colossians 1:13-23.

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Mark

We had an excellent group for prayer last evening in the sanctuary. I hope you will join us this Wednesday evening at 6 p.m. for worship and prayer. Carter Todd mentioned that he had “a great Daddy” – I told him we do, too!

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