September 28th, 2023
by WV Webmaster
by WV Webmaster
By Pastor Mark McAdow
Anyone still have VHS tapes? Do you even know what VHS stands for? Video Home Systems. We have a boatload of them and still have a player, too! One of the great features of VHS tapes are that you can back up or move forward with just a touch of a button and get to the very place you wanted, without having to watch the movie in real time again. Wow! What’s the point? Fast Forward!
The new Global Methodist Church is calling on us, as one of the newest churches in the Heartland Provisional Conference, to join in a time of prayer and fasting beginning this Sunday, Oct. 1, for our new ministry together with like-hearted and minded Christians in the Methodist tradition. Methodism as founded by John Wesley was always a renewal movement – seeking to lead others to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ – and to help them become more like Jesus every day.
The mission of the Global Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly and witness boldly. They’re also calling us to become a House of Prayer. Jesus said, “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations …” (Mark 11:17). This has been the desire of my heart since coming to Willow View six years ago. I began a monthly Pastor’s Prayer Team shortly after I arrived, led by Jim Ross, with six other men. I also meet with a group of men every Wednesday morning at Greenbriar for prayer, and I disciple four men during the week at 7 a.m. in my office. We’ve hosted several prayer studies over the years – many by Pastor Jim Cymbala, who built his New York City church, the Brooklyn Tabernacle, on a foundation of prayer. He believes, and has proved, “prayer is the engine that drives the church.”
Currently, we’re hosting a prayer gathering every Wednesday evening in the sanctuary from 6 to 7 p.m. Some people falsely believe prayer is boring or “not my thing,” but nothing is farther from the truth. We are inspired by praying for one another and encouraged in our faith with the answers. Remember what your pastor loves to say: “Prayer is your relationship with Jesus Christ. No prayer, no relationship. Much prayer, growing relationship.”
I thank God for new spiritual leadership that wholeheartedly believes in prayer and fasting. Fasting is a spiritual discipline that I’ve only done on occasion. I love to eat and hate to deny myself. Can I get an “Amen?!” But Jesus said this in Matthew 6:16: “When you fast …” When? Apparently, the time is now. Will you pray now about fasting for our new Global Methodist denomination? The choice is yours, but the call is from Jesus our Lord. Please pray with me about what the Lord might want you to give up for the sake of growing closer with Him over the next three weeks. We will have some printed resources available for you this Sunday. Let’s “Fast Forward” together!
Yours in Christ’s love,
Pastor Mark
PS: This Sunday is World Communion Sunday when we figuratively “sit down” at the Lord’s Table with brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. Come be blessed as we share life together.
Anyone still have VHS tapes? Do you even know what VHS stands for? Video Home Systems. We have a boatload of them and still have a player, too! One of the great features of VHS tapes are that you can back up or move forward with just a touch of a button and get to the very place you wanted, without having to watch the movie in real time again. Wow! What’s the point? Fast Forward!
The new Global Methodist Church is calling on us, as one of the newest churches in the Heartland Provisional Conference, to join in a time of prayer and fasting beginning this Sunday, Oct. 1, for our new ministry together with like-hearted and minded Christians in the Methodist tradition. Methodism as founded by John Wesley was always a renewal movement – seeking to lead others to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ – and to help them become more like Jesus every day.
The mission of the Global Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly and witness boldly. They’re also calling us to become a House of Prayer. Jesus said, “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations …” (Mark 11:17). This has been the desire of my heart since coming to Willow View six years ago. I began a monthly Pastor’s Prayer Team shortly after I arrived, led by Jim Ross, with six other men. I also meet with a group of men every Wednesday morning at Greenbriar for prayer, and I disciple four men during the week at 7 a.m. in my office. We’ve hosted several prayer studies over the years – many by Pastor Jim Cymbala, who built his New York City church, the Brooklyn Tabernacle, on a foundation of prayer. He believes, and has proved, “prayer is the engine that drives the church.”
Currently, we’re hosting a prayer gathering every Wednesday evening in the sanctuary from 6 to 7 p.m. Some people falsely believe prayer is boring or “not my thing,” but nothing is farther from the truth. We are inspired by praying for one another and encouraged in our faith with the answers. Remember what your pastor loves to say: “Prayer is your relationship with Jesus Christ. No prayer, no relationship. Much prayer, growing relationship.”
I thank God for new spiritual leadership that wholeheartedly believes in prayer and fasting. Fasting is a spiritual discipline that I’ve only done on occasion. I love to eat and hate to deny myself. Can I get an “Amen?!” But Jesus said this in Matthew 6:16: “When you fast …” When? Apparently, the time is now. Will you pray now about fasting for our new Global Methodist denomination? The choice is yours, but the call is from Jesus our Lord. Please pray with me about what the Lord might want you to give up for the sake of growing closer with Him over the next three weeks. We will have some printed resources available for you this Sunday. Let’s “Fast Forward” together!
Yours in Christ’s love,
Pastor Mark
PS: This Sunday is World Communion Sunday when we figuratively “sit down” at the Lord’s Table with brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. Come be blessed as we share life together.
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